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Egold Game secret
Monday, 4 June 2007

E-gold Game
100% Win Strategy!!!

Very useful for Head & tail, left & right, and others games with different name but have same pattern. What I mean 100% Win!, is not you always win everytime you play, you may be lose a few times, But you never really lose, because everytime you lose it will be payback by the next single winning. Yes, single winning. Once you win, all your lost before will be covered plus you get the profit!
Before you enter the game's session, You should understand t
his logical analytic of trick! The Logical analyze: Imagine! How big the chance when you throw a coin, the results are "head" 14 times continually?
Or, the results are "tail" 14 times continually?
In the mathematic should be under 0.1%!
But, The true is very very hard to happened. You can prove with the coin! Throw it about 1000 times. Write the results. Ever? I believed its never ever happened. Its should be 100% of winning. (Even if in mathematic is only 99.99% of winning!)
If the game's script choose by random, and that same pat
tern show up 14 times continually, You can cut my head!
That is imposible! It's 0%.
And 100% win will work if you follow and try this trick until finnish!

Attention!!! Read carefully this Trick! Remember, this trick can be useful for all 50-50 games as long as the winning is 2 times (2x) or 200%. It does not working for the winning lower than 2 times (2x) or 200%. If you do my trick correctly, you'll see the good result!

(If you have only a little money in your account, read NB.2 at the end of this page! I'll show you to get $50-$100 easy!)

Only at this site you get the powerfull, great, efective, and working strategy and especially "FREE!!!"

Before you take/collect the treasure :) First and important step is create a new e-gold account! It's very important if you really want to win!!! There is two reason why you must use a new account. First, Win more easy (my experience if use old account, its hard to win!). Second, It's more safe because you can make a limit of money to bet. Dont worry, new e-gold account is FREE! After that, spend your money from old account to new account. You can make it here!

Open new e-gold account! 
After you have money in your new account, use to play a game in sites below!

 (The Best E-gold Game Site!!!)

Be carefull!!! Others e-gold game sites is SCAM (majoriry)!!!

The strategy!

 1. Choose the minimum bet $0.05 (If the minimum bet is $1, start with "counter 5th" and then total lost will minus 0.85 and become only $1, $3, $7, ..... So the profit become more big :))
2. Choose "head" or "tail". Remember, After choose a pick, you may not change your pick! use same pattern! (You can choose "head" or "tail", and at others games such as left & right, low & high, red & black, and others, use same strategy with head & tail, Its only different name, but have same pattern!)
Keep the static pattern until 14 times lost continually.
3. Click double now!
4. Pay the bet with e-gold
After that you will know win or lose.
5. If win, repeat step 1
If lost, bet again with double of your lost. Use same choice with lost before (static pattern).
Example: You lost $1 with "head", now you must bet $2 with "head" too!
 So, if you win, you still get profit even if you lost before! The calculation if win, you get 2x (bet $2 get $4, profit $2 minus $1(lost before) you still get profit $1 !!!)
6. Next, you just repeat step 5
You can stop if you think thats enough!

This is details of step 5:

Okey, I will explain simple version from this trick to understand the table and example of profit calculation

1. Choose "head" or "tail" and keep in single choice (choose onle head continually) and start from minimum bet.

2. If lose, bet again with double of you lost before.Example: you lost before $1. Then next bet is $2

3. If win, back to minimum bet.(example: Min bet is $0.1)With this trick, we search profit. No matter you lose 5 times continually and only win once. You still have profit.

The calculation is:

Lost 5X continually=$0.1+$0.2+$0.5+$1+$2=$3.8

And next you win once=$4 (double from lose before ($2))

You get profit= $4-$3.8=$0.2

So, everytime you win, you get profit $0.2. No matter you lost few times, because every single win, all lost before will paid by "only" once winning.

 You can see, single win always bigger than total of your lost before! Only need single win and all your lost will you get back plus profit (win minus total lost before)
So, you can pick "head" or "tail" static 14x continually. But in my experienced, the longest lost only 8x lost continually!"

"Attention!" 100% Win working if you finish until 14th counter. Under 14th, base on my experienced, I ever lost until counter 8, but win in counter 9. So, I never lost more than counter 9"

I hope you succes! And you can harvest as much as you want only in very short time!


If you think my trick/strategy doesn't work or not good for you and you dont want take a risk to lose money even if i told you the logical analytic, you may go.
But remember, there is not succes without risk fail! All choice is up to you!

Good Luck!!!

Posted by egoldgame-secret at 12:33 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 6 December 2007 3:54 PM EST
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